Select young talent, approach with the local universities, strengthen the company's image and integrate all the joint ventures in India. With these aims, Magneti Marelli launched in 2011 a pilot program for attracting engineering young students through a partnership with some of the best reputed institutes in the country. The "Hiring of Professional Trainee Program" selected nine students who will undergo a training course within one year in Magneti Marelli, including a period of international experience. The selection process involved a heavy release of Magneti Marelli within the participating institutes, with events and meetings with students. As a result, approximately 200 young students from three Indian universities are enrolled in the selection process, completed in the beginning of 2011. In June, these students, aged between 21 and 26 years, began the first phase of the program, with a project works and a series of trainings and visits inside the Magneti Marelli’s plants, customers and Fiat Group companies in India. For 2012, it will be provided the second phase of the program, with on the job training in the respective function in the Indian company and an experience period inside the headquarters of Magneti Marelli in Italy, France, Germany and Brazil. In addition to the recruitment of young talent, the program has helped to strengthen the company's image in the country and integrate the various joint ventures existing in India.